Team Impatient Banana

We do hackathons, hacking competitions, and generally wreak havoc.

Tweets by @ImpatientBanana
Fork me on GitHub
Revolution UC Spring 2014 logo

Revolution UC Spring 2014

April 5th-6th 2014

Project: Nowna, see tweets from around you, fast.

Project status: done!

Nowna Github Repo


August 15th-16th 2014

Rank: 31/59

Achievements: "feeling so herp"

MHacks IV logo

MHacks IV

September 5th-7th 2014

Project: Bunch, a Windows-Explorer modeled HTML5 bookmarking system

Project status: abandoned

HackGT Fall 2014 logo

HackGT Fall 2014

September 19th-21st 2014

Project: Banandom, a guessing browsergame made with meteor.js

Project status: functional but incomplete

OHI/O Fall 2014

October 3rd-5th 2014

Project: SmartPioneer, a way to control your pioneer head unit via your Intel Edison

Project status: semifunctional

SmartPioneer Github Repo

Kent Hack Enough Fall 2014 logo

Kent Hack Enough Fall 2014

October 24th-26th 2014

Project: The Adventures Of Sevythien, a zero player browser adventure game

Project status: functional but incomplete

Best Hacked Costume

ZeroPlayerGame Github Repo

YHack Fall 2014 logo


October 31st - November 2nd 2014

Let's not talk about how YHack went. Good food though. And MegaRan was there. Lots of Kanye was played.

Revolution UC Fall 2014

Revolution UC Fall 2014

November 14th-16th 2014

Project (not submitted): Chimp, a hackathon idea generator in HTML5 and JavaScript

Project status: finished

Project: tile5, a true time tower defense for Pebble

Project status: partially functional, incomplete

Best Wearable Hack

Chimp Github Repo

Tile5 Github Repo

MHacks V

MHacks V

January 16th - 18th 2015

Project: /f/lat, a simple, flat html5 bulletin board. Share html5 games, videos, and more

Project status: done!

Hack Illinois Spring 2015

Hack Illinois Spring 2015

Feburary 27th - March 1st 2015

Project: An HTML5 and Python tower defense game

Project status: abandoned

SpartaHack Spring 2015

SpartaHack Spring 2015

March 27th - 29th 2015

Project: Toss, a real time team game

Project status: abandoned

HackYSU Spring 2015

HackYSU Spring 2015

April 17th - 19th 2015

Project: We put it on!

Revolution UC Spring 2015

Revolution UC Spring 2015

May 15th - 17th 2015

Project: Locate Me, get your current address instantly via your Pebble

Project status: Done!

Best Pebble Hack

LocateMe Github Repo

Pennapps XII

Pennapps XII

September 4th - 6th 2015

Splatty: a 2d version of Splatoon

Project status: Working but glitchy


Splatty Github Repo

HackGT Fall 2015

HackGT Fall 2015

September 25th - 27th 2015

Project: Airport location manager

Project status: Done!

Airport Location Manager Github Repo

ACM ICPC East Central North America Regional Programming Contest

October 30th - 31st 2015

We did horrible, but wore banana costumes doing it

HackYSU Spring 2016

HackYSU Spring 2016

February 5th - 7th 2016

We were the organizers!

VTHacks Spring 2016

VTHacks Spring 2016

February 26th - 28th 2016

A small (and creepy) Twine text game

Project status: functional but can use some story updates!

Github Repo


July 15th - July 22nd 2016

Rank: TBD

We're Too Old

MLH Prime 2016

MLH Prime 2016

August 6th - 7th

What We Did: TBD