Revolution UC Spring 2014
April 5th-6th 2014
Project: Nowna, see tweets from around you, fast.
Project status: done!
August 15th-16th 2014
Rank: 31/59
Achievements: "feeling so herp"
MHacks IV
September 5th-7th 2014
Project: Bunch, a Windows-Explorer modeled HTML5 bookmarking system
Project status: abandoned
HackGT Fall 2014
September 19th-21st 2014
Project: Banandom, a guessing browsergame made with meteor.js
Project status: functional but incomplete
OHI/O Fall 2014
October 3rd-5th 2014
Project: SmartPioneer, a way to control your pioneer head unit via your Intel Edison
Project status: semifunctional
Kent Hack Enough Fall 2014
October 24th-26th 2014
Project: The Adventures Of Sevythien, a zero player browser adventure game
Project status: functional but incomplete
Best Hacked Costume
October 31st - November 2nd 2014
Let's not talk about how YHack went. Good food though. And MegaRan was there. Lots of Kanye was played.
Revolution UC Fall 2014
November 14th-16th 2014
Project (not submitted): Chimp, a hackathon idea generator in HTML5 and JavaScript
Project status: finished
Project: tile5, a true time tower defense for Pebble
Project status: partially functional, incomplete
Best Wearable Hack
MHacks V
January 16th - 18th 2015
Project: /f/lat, a simple, flat html5 bulletin board. Share html5 games, videos, and more
Project status: done!
Hack Illinois Spring 2015
Feburary 27th - March 1st 2015
Project: An HTML5 and Python tower defense game
Project status: abandoned
SpartaHack Spring 2015
March 27th - 29th 2015
Project: Toss, a real time team game
Project status: abandoned
HackYSU Spring 2015
April 17th - 19th 2015
Project: We put it on!
Revolution UC Spring 2015
May 15th - 17th 2015
Project: Locate Me, get your current address instantly via your Pebble
Project status: Done!
Best Pebble Hack
Pennapps XII
September 4th - 6th 2015
Splatty: a 2d version of Splatoon
Project status: Working but glitchy
HackGT Fall 2015
September 25th - 27th 2015
Project: Airport location manager
Project status: Done!
ACM ICPC East Central North America Regional Programming Contest
October 30th - 31st 2015
We did horrible, but wore banana costumes doing it
HackYSU Spring 2016
February 5th - 7th 2016
We were the organizers!
VTHacks Spring 2016
February 26th - 28th 2016
A small (and creepy) Twine text game
Project status: functional but can use some story updates!
July 15th - July 22nd 2016
Rank: TBD
We're Too Old
MLH Prime 2016
August 6th - 7th
What We Did: TBD